Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery 莲山双林寺

#20 Administrative Office (寺务处), #19 Library (图书室) and nearby views

The Administrative Office is in front (behind the trees). Further up the road (right side) are the Toilets and Library.

Close-up of the Administrative Office.

This time looking down the road instead of up. Library is on the left side and the Admin Office right down at the end of the road.

The Library entrance.

Corridor near the Library.

Another view of the Admin Office. The "West Entrance" to the Monastary is on the right.

The "West Entrance" to the Monastary.

Close-up of the "West Entrance".

Looking into the Admin Office (left side of the Office).

Right side of the Admin Office.

Motif on front wall of the Admin Office.

Motif on the opposite side.

Window in wall of the Admin Office.

Granite motifs by the side of the road.


Door knocker

Ceiling light

Another ceiling light

Motif (left side) on top of the "West Entrance".

Motif (right side) on top of the "West Entrance".

Antique incense burner

Motif on ceiling cross-beam.

Motifs on roof

Looking away from the Admin Office (the Feature Gate arch is on the left in front).

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